
Is Confucianism a religion, a secular philosophy, a code of governance, or a broadly-defined belief system? Does Confucianism promote conformity to tradition, or does it inspire self-reformative and idealistic principles in social interaction? Is it even called Confucianism? To put it simply: yes. Born in ancient China, the teachings of Confucius have had a major impact on the development of Chinese culture, tradition, and society. Today, many Chinese people still live by the core tenets of Confucianism, even if unknowingly; in many respects, the history of China is inseparable from the history of Confucianism. 

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Is Confucianism a religion, a secular philosophy, a code of governance, or a broadly-defined belief system? Does Confucianism promote conformity to tradition, or does it inspire self-reformative and idealistic principles in social interaction? Is it even called Confucianism? To put it simply: yes. Born in ancient China, the teachings of Confucius have had a major impact on the development of Chinese culture, tradition, and society. Today, many Chinese people still live by the core tenets of Confucianism, even if unknowingly; in many respects, the history of China is inseparable from the history of Confucianism.

Confucianism Origins

Confucianism was founded on the teachings of a philosopher named Confucius (551-479 BCE) who lived in ancient China. The decaying Zhou Dynasty left a fractured China in its wake. Regional rulers punished their people to enforce laws and inspire loyalty, creating a thin web of order in which rulers were often assassinated and replaced on a whim. Confucius was a traveling political advisor who sought to serve in just courts where he could promote his teachings. His objective was to reinvigorate faithful adherence to moralistic traditions at all levels of Chinese society. Confucius did not personally write his teachings and claimed himself to be a "transmitter who invented nothing".

Confucianism Han Dynasty VaiaHan Dynasty painting depicting Confucius meeting with Lao Tzu. Source: Wikimedia Commons.

After a brief period of strife during the Qin Dynasty (221-226 BCE), Confucianism hit its stride during the Han Dynasty (206 BCE - 220 CE) of the Classical Period, in which it was enforced as the official state religion. Competing against Buddhism and Daoism in China, Confucianism eventually found great staying power among the higher levels of Chinese society. Confucius's teachings were preserved in written text in the Five Classics and the Analects, both of which are estimated to have been written by Confucian students during the Warring States Period (475 BC - 221 BC).

Confucianism Facts

Confucianism can indeed be considered a religion, but not in the traditional sense. For most of Chinese history (and certainly throughout the Medieval Era) was no direct religious institution constructed to manage and dictate the followers of Confucianism. Confucianism is less concerned with belief in spirits and gods, and more concerned with humanistic principles. As a philosophy and belief system, Confucianism emphasizes adherence to tradition and an ethical strive for harmony on both personal and societal levels.


Philosophy focused on the individual within society, emphasizing the individual need to live ethical lives in pursuit of moral good.

Confucianism Character VaiaThe Traditional Chinese "Ru" Character used to symbolize Confucianism. Source: RaphaelQS, CC-BY-SA-4.0, Wikimedia Commons.

How can Confucianism be considered a Religion?

At this point, Confucianism still may not sound like much of a religion. But as part of Confucianism's promotion of tradition, its followers are asked to practice ancestral worship, rituals, sacrifice, and a belief in Tian (天), which means heaven. Although Tian is associated with divinity, it is regarded as an impersonal "oneness" with one's surroundings, a sense of order and harmony with the world rather than a belief in a separate, immaterial realm. In that sense, Tian is much different from the Abrahamic religion's (Judaism, Christianity, Islam) belief in heaven, but still quite spiritual and religious.

You are not yet able to serve men, how can you serve spirits?


Origin of the term "Confucianism"

The term "Confucianism" was invented by Christian Missionaries in China through a partial mistranslation. When learning of Confucius, whose real name was Kong Fuzi ( 孔夫子), westerners adapted the pronunciation of the philosopher's name. (It makes more sense if you sound it out loud). In China, the teachings of Kong Fuzi were known as Ruism. In ancient China, the root character Ru (儒) meant scholar, learned, to educate, to mold, among other definitions.

Confucianism Founder

Confucius (aka Kong Fuzi or Kongzi) was the founder of Confucianism. Confucius was born with aristocratic blood but lived in poverty for the majority of his early life. His father, a commander for the Chinese state of Lu, died when Confucius was three years old. Raised by his mother, Confucius studied the Six Arts in school, learning Rites, Music, Archery, Chariot Riding, Calligraphy, and Math. Confucius married at 19 and his wife bore a son when he was 20, but Confucius did not settle for an easy life with his family.

Confucianism Confucius Vaia1727 CE Portrait painting of Confucius. Source: Wikimedia Commons.

Wheresoever you go, go with all your heart.


Confucius spent the majority of his adult life traveling between states within China, serving in the courts of Lu, Song, Zheng, Cao, and Cai, among others. He accumulated many followers during his travels, his potent teachings finding listeners in each of the cities and principalities that he visited or served in.

Confucianism Beliefs

Confucianism can be said to have a top-down structure in its beliefs. Primarily, Confucianism is concerned with the proper function of the state (remember that Confucius taught during a turbulent political setting in Chinese history). One of the main society-level beliefs of Confucianism is that society is structured much like a traditional Chinese family, with a patriarch at the head and children beneath him. To prevent constant rebellions and warring, Confucius urged an adherence to tradition, especially within the family structure. Respecting one's parents and venerating ancestors inspired lawfulness, order, and loyalty, whereas continuous capital punishment only inspired fear.

Confucianism Practice VaiaPhotograph of a Confucian ceremony in modern-day Korea. Source: joonghijung, CC-BY-2.0, Wikimedia Commons.

In this sense, Confucian belief promotes self-improvement, education, filial piety, conforming to one's proper role, and cultivating harmony through the pursuit of these principles. Perhaps most famous of all Confucian beliefs is the Golden Rule: to treat others how you wish to be treated (or don't treat others how you don't want to be treated).

The will to win, the desire to succeed, the urge to reach your full potential... these are the keys that will unlock the door to personal excellence.


Filial Piety:

The virtue of respecting and caring for one's parents.

Confucianism Values

As stated previously, one of the core values of Confucianism is humanism. In Confucianism, benevolence, humaneness, and pleasant human experiences are wrapped into the word Ren (仁). This concept was tied very closely to Tian (heaven). Among other Confucian values are righteousness and justice, propriety, wisdom, and faithfulness.

Confucianism in the US:

The direct practice of Confucianism is rare in the United States of America, outside of a few curious academic circles and migrants from China. Otherwise, Confucianism is in essence "practiced" by many who are not even aware that a man named Confucius ever existed. Take the Golden Rule, for example, a well-popularized phrase that pervades many world cultures and religions, including those present in the USA. The concept of the traditional "nuclear family" within the United States would have been supported by Confucius, and many Confucian tenets such as familial piety echo throughout the Abrahamic religions which dominate the United States of America.

Confucianism in Action

Beginning in the Tang Dynasty and extending into the Song Dynasty and even modern-day China, Confucianism became the basis of imperial exams that dictated who was capable of holding governmental offices. Later taking the shape of Neo-Confucianism, Confucius's teachings eventually accomplished the very goal that he set out on: to spread the traditional teachings that promoted good and productive interactions within Chinese society and culture.

Confucianism- Key Takeaways

  • Confucianism is a Chinese religion, philosophy, and belief system based on the teachings of the ancient Chinese scholar Confucius.
  • Confucian belief initially struggled but soon became the official religion of the Han Dynasty and many dynasties afterwards, including the Tang and Song Dynasties of the Medieval Era.
  • Confucianism has a strong foundation in spirituality, namely the Chinese belief in Tian (天), a heaven or impersonal godliness.
  • The core beliefs and values of Confucianism (filial piety, the golden rule, education, faithfulness, etc.) were paramount to the success of the greater state, as Confucius suggested that the hierarchy of the state is analogous to the hierarchy of a family.

Frequently Asked Questions about Confucianism

One of the main beliefs in Confucianism has now been popularized as the "Golden Rule": treat others how you wish to be treated. 

Confucianism is a religion, philosophy, and social belief system wrapped into one package. Confucianism aspires to teach its followers how to live a harmonious and virtuous life to promote a stable society. 

The core values of Confucianism are humanism, education, wisdom, knowledge, faithfulness, propriety, and righteousness. In essence, the Golden Rule: treat others how you wish to be treated. 

Confucianism is important to history because it formed the backbone of Chinese cultural and societal development throughout the Classical and Medieval Periods; Confucianism is still very relevant in Chinese culture today!

Confucianism was created by Confucius, who was born in 551 BCE. Confucianism became the state religion of the Han Empire, which reigned in China from 206 BCE to 220 CE. 

Test your knowledge with multiple choice flashcards

Which of the following was NOT a text that preserved the teachings of Confucius? 

Confucianism found competition with which other religion in China during the Classical Period? 

Can Confucianism be considered a religion? 


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